Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Be fierce or gtfo!

 Hello my pretties! Now that the holiday madness has passed, and insomnia has woken me up at 5:30 am, I am compelled to write. (Hey, creativity doesn't make appointments folks!)

So the day after we got home form all our holiday gluttony, I stepped on the scale, wrought with fear, as I had *ahem* indulged a bit during said period of festivity. Only instead of jumping off and vowing to eat nothing but cottage cheese forever while hugging my knees on the bathroom floor, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that not only had I NOT gained, but I had lost weight. (note, I was also pretty sick the entire time we were gone.) I immediately assumed that perhaps my scale was just being nice, trying to spare another break down episode, and the death threats that I give it when the numbers don't look good. So I weighed myself the following two days as well. Still looking good.

So since it's a new year and all, and I am the Queen of M Fing fresh starts(see here) the promise of a nice, shiny (OO shiny!), NEW year means all kinds of fun for me. Now I don't like to make resolutions, but I do have a few things each year I strive for.

This year's goals, if you will, are as follows:

Obviosly, watch the scale move much more in the downward motion
Work out more than one day a week, let's get crazy and shoot for three!
Get pregnant! (you'd think it would be easy with my husband)
Actually run the Las Vegas half marathon
Re-locate to a new address as I'm running out of places to hide bodies, and the cops are sniffing around a bit... we would like to live closer to our families.
Travel somewhere new (Portland? Paris?)
Win that free pre-paid cremation from the Neptune Society
And save more money!

So it's time to be fierce or get the fuck out! (for a couple of months anyhow.) Today calls for a run, and I'm dragging the Mr along with too.

>:(  grrrr this is my fierce face! But it kind of looks like an  I have two strands of hair and am very unhappy about it face too. Well, whatever, it's too early in the morning to be sane!

1 comment:

  1. wooohoooo! the sicky diet works every time. "getting mono was like the best diet ever."

    loves ya. come visit me!

